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Employment Opportunities

🔗Application for Employment

Employment Opportunities for 2025-26 School Year

Licensed Staff:

*High School Library Media Specialist 

*Elementary Teacher (Grades TBD)

*K-12 Special Education Teacher (Grades TBD)



Classified Staff: None at this time



All positions are open until filled. EOE


** We are always looking for Substitute Bus Drivers or route drivers (you are required to have your CDL with bus driver endorsement). If interested, please call Terry Blees-Transportation Director at 501-209-9461

**We are always looking for Substitute Teachers. If you are interested, please come pick up an application and information packet from the Administration Building, or call Tammy Youngblood at the Administration Building at 501-767-1540 Ext. 

Please click on the link below, download the pdf, fill out the form and e-mail to or fax to 501-767-1589 or mail to Mountain Pine School District, P.O. Box 1, Mountain Pine, AR 71956