Welcome back! We are excited about this year! To best meet the needs of your child, he/she will be exposed to the teaching styles of several teachers. We will capitalize on the strengths of each teacher to provide your child with a variety of opportunities.
We ask that each child enter the classroom with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Attitude is everything! We will introduce and explore many interesting fields of study. We anticipate a wonderful year!
What should you expect? Each week your child will keep an assignment notebook. He/she will be required to write down the daily assignments in a specific notebook. The student should bring home this notebook nightly to be signed. This will help you to keep track of what is happening in the classroom and the assignments your child has to complete for homework. Your child will bring home completed papers on Mondays to be signed and returned by Wednesday. Please look over the samples of work and return those in the pocket labeled “return to school”.
All teachers will utilize the same discipline system. Each child will have a page in a discipline notebook. Upon any infraction of the rules, the child will sign the book including the date, the infraction, the teacher that required the student to sign the book, and the student’s signature acknowledging that the infraction was committed. This will provide a running record of your child’s behavior over the nine week grading period. The student will begin each week with a clean slate. Consequences are determined by the number of times a child signs the book within a week’s time or the severity of the infraction.
We will strongly stress personal RESPONSIBILITY. Your child will be held accountable for his/her actions. We will provide your child with the necessary learning tools and encourage self-motivation. Your child will have the opportunity to work cooperatively with his/her peers and complete hands-on activities. We are looking forward to an exceptional year!
Literacy: Mrs. Wilburn
Math: Mr. Walker
Science: Ms. Goff
Social Studies: Mrs. Shirley